Welcome to Writers Portal

Unlocking Stories, One Page at a time

At Writers Portal LLC, we specialize in turning your literary dreams into reality. Whether you’re an author looking to market your latest book or a storyteller ready to mesmerize audiences with your cinematic vision, we provide the creative expertise and strategic solutions you need. Our services are designed to highlight your unique narrative and connect you with your audience in powerful ways.

Cinematic Trailers

Transform your book or screenplay into a visual masterpiece with our cinematic trailers. Our team of skilled filmmakers and editors will craft a compelling trailer that encapsulates the essence of your story, creating excitement and anticipation among your audience.



3-4 weeks 1-3 minutes trailer



3-4 weeks 1-3 minutes trailer



3-4 weeks 1-3 minutes trailer
Pitch deck creation
Branding graphic design team



Discuss your story and vision with our team.

Script Development

Create a trailer script that captures key elements of your narrative.


Film and edit the trailer, incorporating professional visuals, sound, and effects.

Review & Finalization

Collaborate with you to make final adjustments and deliver the finished trailer.

Screenplay Development

Turn your book into a screenplay with our professional screenwriting services. Our experienced screenwriters work closely with you to adapt your story for the screen, ensuring that your vision is translated into a captivating screenplay.


Initial Meeting

Understand your story and objectives.

Outline Creation

Develop a detailed outline of the screenplay.

Draft Writing

Write the screenplay, incorporating feedback and revisions.

Final Draft

Polish and complete the final screenplay, ready for submission or production.

Service Retainer

Our service retainer offers a tailor-fitted marketing campaign designed to meet the specific needs of each author. Through an initial assessment, we understand your goals and create a customized strategy to enhance your book’s visibility and reach.



Evaluate your book, audience, and marketing goals.

Strategy Development

Create a personalized marketing plan.


Execute the marketing campaign, including social media, press releases, and events.

Monitoring & Adjustment

Track progress and make necessary adjustments to maximize impact.

Magazine Feature

Gain prestigious exposure with a feature in a top-tier magazine. Our magazine highlights the work of talented authors and filmmakers, providing a platform to showcase your story to a broader audience.



Submit your work for consideration.


If selected, participate in an interview and provide materials for the feature.

Feature Creation

Our team crafts an engaging feature article.


Your feature is published, reaching a wide and influential readership.

Why Choose Us?

At Writers Portal LLC, we are passionate about storytelling. Our dedicated team of creatives, marketers, and industry professionals are committed to providing top-notch services that elevate your work and ensure your success. We pride ourselves on our personalized approach, working closely with you every step of the way to achieve your goals.

Ready to work with us ?

Book a Consultation

Ready to bring your story to life? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your creative dreams. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, Writers Portal LLC is here to support you every step of the way.